
Lindsey Hampton’s Ceramics are Clever And Jubilant

lindsey hamptonLind­sey Hamp­ton is a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary artist who designs, pho­tographs, and more. For now, I am going to focus on her ceram­ics and instal­la­tions because it’s what orig­i­nal­ly drew me to her port­fo­lio. The ves­sels that Hamp­ton sculpts have an under­stat­ed sophis­ti­ca­tion to them. They are col­or­ful but not over­whelm­ing, jubi­lant with­out being sac­cha­rine, and as a whole real­ly clever. I love how sub­tle they are — the sil­hou­ettes are clean, and you’re able to focus on details like the skewed plant stand (below) or the retool­ing of the aver­age table lamp (above).

Here’s part of a short state­ment about Hamp­ton’s work, and how she achieves con­ti­nu­ity no mat­ter what she’s crafting:

Hamp­ton’s use of colour, pat­tern and shape speak togeth­er across all plat­forms, she thrives in the del­i­cate bal­ance between pos­i­tive and neg­a­tive space. Hamp­ton believes that every­thing is design, whether  cre­at­ing a poster or logo, a ceram­ic ves­sel or mug; her approach is equal.

All images via her web­site.

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