Illustration / Interview

Interview: How Life Imitates Art in Colored Pencil Illustrations by Lieke van der Vorst

Colored pencil illustration by Lieke van der Vorst

Nether­lands-based Lieke van der Vorst, aka Lieke­land, is an illus­tra­tor cre­at­ing scenes of a qui­et exis­tence that are sure to res­onate with any­one who prefers their gar­den to the hus­tle and bus­tle of a boom­ing metrop­o­lis. Her ball­point pen and col­ored pen­cil illus­tra­tion show­case peo­ple (and ani­mals) tend­ing to their green­hous­es, water­ing plants, and enjoy­ing a home cooked meal with friends.

For Lieke, art imi­tates life; it’s how she comes up with ideas for her work. But what hap­pens when your life changes—how does your illus­tra­tion shift with it? This is some­thing that Lieke has had to con­sid­er the past cou­ple of years. I was elat­ed to speak with her about this and more—including advice she has for aspir­ing illus­tra­tors. Scroll down to read the interview.

Colored pencil illustration by Lieke van der Vorst

How do you gen­er­ate ideas for your work?

My inspi­ra­tion comes main­ly from my sur­round­ings. I used to go to my veg­etable gar­den to feel inspired;
col­lect­ing veg­eta­bles, fruits, and herbs from the gar­den to make food in the kitchen was always one of my biggest inspi­ra­tions. My cat [would be] on the kitchen counter, the chick­ens [would run] to my win­dow to see if I got some seeds for them.

For two years I live in a big­ger city where I don’t have a gar­den and I see how, because of that, my illus­tra­tions are chang­ing. I go to the park with my dog, to the gym, and have drinks with friends out­side. My illus­tra­tions now are much more about the city life then it was two years ago. Also when I went to Asia for a half year, my illus­tra­tions got real­ly influ­enced by the food I’ve eat­en there and the things I’ve experienced.

Next month I’m going to move to a new home. [It’s] a house in the city but with a huge gar­den. I can’t wait to walk in my veg­etable gar­den again, [build] a green­house and intro­duce my dog to lit­tle chick­ens. Hope­ful­ly, they will get along.

Colored pencil illustration by Lieke van der Vorst

Your work uses col­ored pen­cil; what attract­ed you to this medi­um, and why do you con­tin­ue to use it?

When I was a kid I always made illus­tra­tions with paint, but at the moment I was 16 I fig­ured out I want­ed to become a tat­too artist. That’s when I start­ed to work with ball­point pen­cils, it was more easy to cre­ate shad­ows and I think I just saw oth­er tat­too artist work with the pencils.

Lat­er when I [attend­ed] the art acad­e­my I start­ed to use col­ored pen­cils. I nev­er liked them before but tried out many dif­fer­ent brands and types. Even­tu­al­ly, I end­ed up work­ing with the pen­cils from Caran d’ache, with the lit­tle gold­en line at the bottom.

I learned how to make shad­ows, use many col­ors above each oth­er and work with ball­point pen­cils to make the black more intense. Still, I some­times use oth­er mate­ri­als but love the col­ored pen­cils the most.

Colored pencil illustration by Lieke van der Vorst

How do you mar­ket your­self and your work now? Has it changed over the past few years?

When I start­ed with Lieke­land sev­en years ago, I tried to get pub­lished in mag­a­zines. It was my dream to illus­trate for mag­a­zines and see my illus­tra­tions in stores.

I nev­er thought of a real mar­ket­ing plan for myself, it was a goal and I thought it would be so cool. Now I still don’t want to think about mar­ket­ing myself. I try to be hon­est on my Insta­gram account and to be myself in the illus­tra­tions I cre­ate. Although I can see how Insta­gram is a real­ly good mar­ket­ing place to show your­self to the world, I try to not over­think it.

Colored pencil illustration by Lieke van der Vorst

What piece of advice, habit, or tool has helped you the most in your career?

My advice to some­one who likes to start with illus­trat­ing and cre­ate their own style (I think this is the ques­tion I get asked the most on Insta­gram), would be that you first find out what your inter­ests are.

What is your inspi­ra­tion, what do you love to do, is there a sport you love, or some ani­mals, do you love to cook or travel?

Those sub­jects are your inspi­ra­tion and what you are going to illus­trate. Then you need to find out what your tool is going to be; try every­thing there is on the mar­ket and [what] you feel com­fort­able with.

Even­tu­al­ly, you will find your tool, your inspi­ra­tion, and your sub­jects. Those things togeth­er make your style I guess, that’s how I found out. And [they’re] chang­ing in time, now my sub­jects are dif­fer­ent than a few years ago.

Thank you, Lieke!  You can find prints of her work (and more) in her online shop. Here’s even more of her work.

Colored pencil illustration by Lieke van der Vorst

Colored pencil illustration by Lieke van der Vorst

Colored pencil illustration by Lieke van der Vorst

Colored pencil illustration by Lieke van der Vorst

Colored pencil illustration by Lieke van der Vorst

Colored pencil illustration by Lieke van der Vorst