Embroidery / Interview

Interview: How Lexi Mire Found + Keeps Up with Demand for Embroidered Baseball Caps

Custom embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Lexi Mire is a wed­ding pho­tog­ra­ph­er who has unex­pect­ed­ly cre­at­ed a boom­ing career embroi­der­ing hats with col­or­ful flo­ral designs. Lex­i’s first for­ays into stitch­ing were just meant for her­self until a friend asked her to embroi­der a blank hat. After shar­ing the final prod­uct on social media, it was clear that Lexi had stum­bled into an untapped mar­ket. Now, she cre­ates cus­tom embroi­dered hats that sell out in min­utes on Etsy. (If you want your own, look to her Insta­gram for sale announce­ments or join her mail­ing list!)

I spoke with Lexi about the type of stitch­es she uses and how, amidst all of the enthu­si­asm around her hats, she achieves the elu­sive work/life bal­ance. Scroll down for the inter­view. The accom­pa­ny­ing pho­tos are a peek into her stu­dio and the process it takes to cre­ate a sin­gle hat.

Custom embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Where did you get the idea to embroi­der hats?

Embroi­der­ing on hats was def­i­nite­ly not my orig­i­nal plan when I start­ed embroi­dery! I start­ed play­ing around with flo­ral embroi­dery one fall when I got a new den­im jack­et and want­ed to make my own patch­es. A good friend of mine named Katie was in love with the embroi­dery in my Insta­gram posts and texted me ask­ing if I would embroi­der on a blank hat for her. She wears a ton of hats and want­ed some­thing fun and fem­i­nine, as opposed to the typ­i­cal sports team logo or text design. I embell­ished the hat for her and when I post­ed a boomerang of it on my Insta­gram my fol­low­ers were STOKED. I end­ed up cre­at­ing more hats for some local art mar­kets and then start­ed build­ing my busi­ness from there.

Custom embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

What types of stitch­es do you use when work­ing on your hats?

My embroi­dery style is pret­ty mod­ern, and I don’t fol­low a lot of the tra­di­tion­al embroi­dery rules. So I make up stitch­es a lot or do vari­a­tions on tra­di­tion­al stitch­es. The ones I play around with most are the back stitch, the split stitch, and the long and short stitch.

Custom embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Your hats are in high demand! How do you deal with such enthu­si­as­tic inter­est while still get­ting to have a life out­side of stitching?

It is absolute­ly mind blow­ing how high the demand is. It’s def­i­nite­ly been a learn­ing process for me fig­ur­ing out how many hats I can say yes to and where to draw the line. I obvi­ous­ly want to accom­mo­date every­one because I am so flat­tered and hon­ored that so many peo­ple want to own some­thing I cre­at­ed, but I also want to be a well round­ed human being with a social life, healthy rela­tion­ship, and hob­bies. I lim­it myself to a cer­tain num­ber of orders per month now which has been super help­ful for me. The hats sell out almost instant­ly, so it can be a crazy process for a cus­tomer. With that in mind, I have also tried to add more dates to my sched­ule where hats will be avail­able if peo­ple miss out on past sales, and I have also released tees and tote bags as an alter­na­tive if some­one wants to sup­port my busi­ness but haven’t been able to snag a hat yet. I am also plan­ning on releas­ing pat­terns so crafty folks out there can cre­ate a hat of their very own!

Custom embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

What’s sur­prised you the most about embroi­der­ing hats?

The biggest thing that sur­prised me dur­ing this whole adven­ture was dis­cov­er­ing my own tal­ent and abil­i­ties. It sounds sil­ly, but I have been a pho­tog­ra­ph­er my whole adult life, and always felt like it was my one big tal­ent. It has been so mag­i­cal dis­cov­er­ing that I had this whole well of untapped inspi­ra­tion in me that I did­n’t even know about! It has also been so fun delv­ing into the world of fiber arts on Insta­gram. There are so many incred­i­bly skilled artists out there in the world and my feed is just a col­or­ful won­der­land now, rather than just pic­tures of peo­ple’s lunch and cats. Find­ing those cre­ators and real­iz­ing this skill set I have could be my job is some­thing I am so grate­ful for.

Custom embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Custom embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Custom embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Custom embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Custom embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Custom embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Custom embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Custom embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Custom embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Custom embroidered hats by Lexi Mire

Custom embroidered hats by Lexi Mire