
Charming Cat Illustrations Capture the Fluff and Grump of Adorable Felines

Custom pet portraits by Levy's Friends

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Every Sat­ur­day on my Insta­gram, I fea­ture an illus­tra­tion of a cat for #Catur­day. One of my favorite sources for fab­u­lous pic­tures of felines is Alis­sa Levy, aka Levy’s Friends, who con­sis­tent­ly shares dig­i­tal por­traits of our fur­ry pals. Some­times they are among oth­ers in a busy inte­ri­or scene or pic­tured by them­selves against a sol­id-col­ored back­ground. Regard­less of the for­mat, Alis­sa cap­tures the char­ac­ter­is­tics that give these drawn cats per­son­al­i­ty. Cat moms and dads, can you see your feline in these illus­tra­tions? I can.

Alis­sa sells prints and cus­tom pet por­traits through her Etsy shop.

Cat illustrations by Levy's Friends

Cat art by Levy's Friends

Cat art by Levy's Friends

Cat art by Levy's Friends

Custom pet portraits by Levy's Friends

Custom pet portraits by Levy's Friends

Cat illustrations by Levy's Friends

Cat illustrations by Levy's Friends

Cat art by Levy's Friends

Cat illustrations by Levy's Friends

Cat art by Levy's Friends

Cat portraits by Levy's Friends

Cat portraits by Levy's Friends

Cat illustrations by Levy's Friends