Embroidery / Illustration / Objects

Leah Duncan’s Towels, Prints, & Pillows

Leah Duncan

Leah Dun­can is an artist and sur­face design­er. She states that she is “inspired by her neigh­bor­hood in east Austin and her native amer­i­can roots,”  and applies this to a myr­i­ad of things, includ­ing tea tow­els, pil­lows, cards, and prints.

I love to hike and drink in dif­fer­ent land­scapes. Leah’s work appeals to me in this way, where she is cog­nizant of her envi­ron­ment and the things that make it beautiful.

All images via her shop.

Leah Duncan Leah Duncan Leah Duncan Leah Duncan Leah Duncan Leah Duncan Leah Duncan Leah Duncan Leah Duncan