
Online Embroidery Classes Will Teach You Everything You Need to Know About Stitching Architecture

Learn Hand Embroidery by Charles and Elin

Have you ever want­ed to learn embroi­dery? It’s now eas­i­er than ever, thanks to the inter­net. Along with a bevy of hand embroi­dery pat­terns to down­load, online learn­ing will show you tech­niques and tricks you need to suc­cess­ful­ly stitch up a storm.

Elin Petronel­la and Charles Hen­ry, the cre­ative cou­ple known as Le Kadre, have tak­en their approach to their archi­tec­tur­al embroi­dery art and made it acces­si­ble to any­one who wants to learn. They’ve cre­at­ed two video cours­es that show you how to cre­ate your own build­ings with thread. Each video allows you to learn at your own pace. When com­plete, you’ll have a beau­ti­ful piece of hoop art to dis­play in your home as well as the skills to cre­ate orig­i­nal embroi­deries. (Plus, they’re giv­ing Brown Paper Bag read­ers a dis­count! Scroll down!)

Here’s more about each hand embroidery class:

Hand Embroidery

Mas­ter Class on Archi­tec­tur­al Hand Embroi­dery — In this course, you will learn about the mate­ri­als you’ll use and then how to trans­fer the pat­tern. After­ward, they will take you through the tech­niques need­ed to cre­ate graph­ic effects on the build­ing, includ­ing flo­ral bal­conies. Once com­plete, you’ll learn to fin­ish the piece and use the hoop as a frame.


Hand Embroidery

Mas­ter Class on Archi­tec­tur­al Thread Paint­ing — This course will intro­duce you to thread paint­ing, in which embroi­dery floss is used to mim­ic strokes of paint. Specif­i­cal­ly, the class will focus on vary­ing lay­ers, light, shad­ow, col­or, and stitch direc­tion that allows your embroi­dery to have stun­ning details. For Thread Paint­ing, Charles and Elin have worked with Cloud Craft on a spe­cial embroi­dery kit that has every­thing you need for the class.

Right now, Charles and Elin are giving Brown Paper Bag readers a special discount on their e‑courses!

Use the code BRWNPAPERBAG to get 25% off an indi­vid­ual course. And don’t wait—the dis­count applies for the first 50 peo­ple in each course (100 peo­ple total).

Hand embroidery classes by Le Kadre

Hand embroidery classes by Le Kadre

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