Illustrated products

Illustrated Chocolate Bar Packaging Wraps Artisan Sweets in Delicious Designs

Illustrated labels for chocolate bars

I love choco­late and illus­tra­tion, so find­ing arti­san sweets wrapped in beau­ti­ful pack­ag­ing is a match made in heav­en. Ear­li­er this year, I shared the fall labels of Seat­tle Choco­late. (I lat­er enjoyed some—their choco­late is deli­cious.) Now to cel­e­brate the win­ter, here are some of the designs on the Le choco­lat des Français bars.

I first wrote about Le choco­lat’s illus­trat­ed labels in 2015; the com­pa­ny still has many of them still in pro­duc­tion, but they’ve com­mis­sioned some new designs. Unlike Seat­tle Choco­late, the Le choco­lat’s illus­tra­tions don’t cor­re­spond to the fla­vors beneath the pack­ag­ing. This does­n’t change the fact, how­ev­er, that they’re delight­ful and ulti­mate­ly con­vey the joy of eat­ing a deli­cious treat.

Illustrated labels for chocolate bars

Cachete Jack

Illustrated packaging for chocolate bars

Lau­rent Moreau

Illustrated packaging for chocolate bars

Edith Car­ron

Illustrated packaging for chocolate bars

Jean Jul­lien

Illustrated packaging for chocolate bars

Axelle Dop­pelt

Illustrated packaging for chocolate bars

Joel Bur­den

Illustrated packaging for chocolate bars

Rob Hodg­son

Illustrated packaging for chocolate bars

Andy Rementer

Illustrated packaging for chocolate bars

Marie Assé­nat

Illustrated packaging for chocolate bars

Lau­ra Junger

Illustrated packaging for chocolate bars

Illustrated packaging for chocolate bars

Illustrated packaging for chocolate bars

Illustrated packaging for chocolate bars

Illustrated packaging for chocolate bars