
Personality-Packed Illustrations Make Even the Most Mundane Things Exciting

Photoshop illustration by Laura Proietti

Trained as an ani­ma­tor and illus­tra­tor, Lau­ra Proi­et­ti’s two-dimen­sion­al works look like stills from car­toon tele­vi­sion shows or films. You’ll want to pause on these illus­tra­tions and admire the fin­er details craft­ed using spe­cial­ty brush­es for Pho­to­shop and Pro­cre­ate. The col­or­ful pieces are packed with per­son­al­i­ty, from the char­ac­ters they depict to the envi­ron­ments they exist in. Who knew that an illus­tra­tion of some­one work­ing a sewing machine or adding sea­son­ing to a soup could be so entertaining?

Photoshop illustration by Laura Proietti

Digital art by Laura Proietti

Photoshop illustration by Laura Proietti

Digital art by Laura Proietti

Digital illustration by Laura Proietti

Photoshop illustration by Laura Proietti

Digital illustration by Laura Proietti

Digital illustration by Laura Proietti

Digital art by Laura Proietti