
Real Dry Leaves Are an Unconventional Canvas for Colorful Bird Embroideries

Embroidery on leaves Laura Dalla Vecchia

I featured Laura in a recent issue of my embroidery newsletter, The Stitch. Get textile artists and embroidery pattern recommendations when you subscribe. (You’ll receive a free downloadable embroidery pattern when you do!)

Using real leaves and sticks, Lau­ra Dal­la Vec­chia cre­ates bird embroi­deries atop the dry (and seem­ing­ly brit­tle) sur­faces. The amount of detail that she is able to achieve on this uncon­ven­tion­al sur­face is amaz­ing, and the threads show­case the beau­ty of these birds with their bril­liant col­or and patterning.

Lau­ra sells her work on her web­site. To see what she’s work­ing on next, fol­low her on Insta­gram.

Embroidery on leaves Laura Dalla Vecchia

Embroidery on leaves Laura Dalla Vecchia

Embroidery on leaves Laura Dalla Vecchia

Embroidery on leaves Laura Dalla Vecchia

Embroidery on leaves Laura Dalla Vecchia

Embroidery on leaves Laura Dalla Vecchia

Embroidery on leaves Laura Dalla Vecchia

Embroidery on leaves Laura Dalla Vecchia

Embroidery on leaves Laura Dalla Vecchia

Embroidery on leaves Laura Dalla Vecchia