Lately & Liked

Lady Illustrators I’ve Seen Lately & Liked

Rachel Levit


Rachel Lev­it 

At times, it’s over­whelm­ing how much tal­ent is in the world. Every­where I look, I see a new artist/illustrator/maker doing some­thing I love. Or, I’ll see one of my old favorites cre­ate some­thing new and exciting.

Today, I share a few lady illus­tra­tors whose work I’ve seen late­ly and liked. This is by no means a accu­rate depic­tion of who’s mak­ing great work; There’s so much more out there and is too much to fit in a sin­gle post. I’d encour­age you to take a look at my Pin­ter­est board for more!

And, if you want a Tum­blr ded­i­cat­ed to illus­trat­ed ladies (not nec­es­sar­i­ly cre­at­ed by women illus­tra­tors), then look no fur­ther at Mal­lo­ry’s Illus­trat­ed Ladies.

PS — Today is the LAST day to enter the Uncom­mon­Goods give­away! Enter here.

Rachel Levit Rachel Levit Rachel Lev­it

Amyisla McCombie Amyisla McCombie Amyisla McCombie

Amy­is­la McCombie

Emi Ueoka Emi Ueoka Emi Ueoka

Emi Ueo­ka

Violeta Lopiz Violeta Lopiz Violeta Lopiz

Vio­let Lopiz

Riikkaa Sormunen Riikkaa Sormunen Riikkaa Sormunen

Rik­ka Sormunen

Sofia Arnold Sofia Arnold Sofia Arnold


Sofia Arnold