
Ladies Clad in Quirky Fashion are a Guide to Looking Effortlessly Cool

Illustration by Rachael Dean

Inspired by “quirky and inter­est­ing fash­ion brands,” Rachael Dean cre­ates styl­ish por­traits of illus­trat­ed women. Clad in hip ensem­bles, they are often seen hold­ing bou­quets of strange blooms or, at the very least, sur­round­ed by a jun­gle of plants. Some are care­free while oth­ers are meloncholy—none are exu­ber­ant, giv­ing them an effort­less cool about them.

Rachel’s Insta­gram gives a lot of sneak peaks to her upcom­ing paint­ings. The details are enticing—I can’t wait to see the entire thing. Fol­low her to see the com­plete pieces revealed (even­tu­al­ly). And for those illus­tra­tions she has fin­ished, they are avail­able as prints in her Tic­tail shop.

Illustration by Rachael Dean

Illustration by Rachael Dean

Illustration by Rachael Dean

Illustration by Rachael Dean

Illustration by Rachael Dean

Illustration by Rachael Dean

Fashionable illustrated women by Rachael Dean

Illustration by Rachael Dean

Fashionable illustrated women by Rachael Dean

Illustration by Rachael Dean

Illustration by Rachael Dean

Illustration by Rachael Dean

Fashionable illustrated lady by Rachael Dean

Illustration by Rachael Dean

Illustration by Rachael Dean

Fashionable illustrated lady by Rachael Dean

Illustration by Rachael Dean

Fashionable illustrated lady by Rachael Dean