
Kyle Pellet


I’ve men­tioned the name Kyle Pel­let here before. He’s one of the illus­tra­tors in the newest show with eyra, my online illus­tra­tion gallery, Long Form. The show fea­tures works that are unusu­al­ly long or tall. Kyle chose to go with the for­mer, cre­at­ing the piece Neigh­bor­hood Threat. Here it is, in all its glory:


This piece is obvi­ous­ly detailed ori­ent­ed, so here are some detail shots:




My favorite part of this piece are all of the indi­vid­ual char­ac­ters that Kyle’s cre­at­ed. He’s arranged them in a chaot­ic, yet orga­nized way. I’ve spent a very long time look­ing at the indi­vid­ual pieces that make up this giant puz­zle. And, that seems to be Kyle’s point. He writes about Neigh­bor­hood Threat:

 “I want­ed to explore what hap­pens when sev­er­al lay­ers of visu­al nar­ra­tion are stacked on top of each oth­er so high, that the com­po­si­tion feels like it’s about to col­lapse. Do they smoosh into a mud­dy, inde­ci­pher­able mess, or do all of their fre­quen­cies come togeth­er to cre­ate a new fre­quen­cy that is intel­li­gi­ble to the viewer?”

This piece is avail­able to pur­chase an orig­i­nal illus­tra­tion or as high qual­i­ty prints through eyra! Check out the entire shop here. And, check out some more of Kyle’s work while you’re at it (the fol­low­ing images via his web­site):








