
Get Your Moment of Zen When You Watch Kristin Vaughn Slice ‘Clay Canes’

Kristin Vaughn Polymer Clay Canes

While perus­ing the Explore tab on Insta­gram, I came across a video by Kristin Vaughn of Hill­side Stu­dio. It showed her slic­ing sec­tions off a long block of clay, and each slice would reveal these amaz­ing minia­ture designs that were seem­ing­ly hid­ing with­in. It sort of remind­ed me of mak­ing sushi, where the chef has a long roll they cut to show the fish and veg­eta­bles inside.

After a lit­tle dig­ging, I learned that Kristin cre­ates poly­mer clay canes. It’s a log of clay that has a design (or in this case, designs) that spans the entire length of the block. Kristin uses this method to pro­duce col­or­ful leaves, fruit, and some­times even peo­ple. She then uses them to cre­ate jew­el­ry that she sells on her web­site.

In addi­tion to mak­ing things to sell, Kristin cre­ates tuto­ri­als and even has a Patre­on where you can watch said tuto­ri­als and have a month­ly Zoom call with her that cov­ers work­ing in clay, resin, as well as mar­ket­ing and social media for your cre­ative business.

For some moments of zen, watch Kristin Vaughn create polymer clay canes.


Kristin Vaughn Polymer Clay Canes

Kristin Vaughn Polymer Clay Canes

Kristin Vaughn Polymer Clay Canes

Kristin Vaughn Polymer Clay Canes