
Dripping” Face Planters and Pots Look Like They’re Melting from Within

Drip planter by Kinska

Drips are in. Sweet, sticky drip cakes are one of Pin­ter­est’s 2017 wed­ding trends, and the same goes for ceram­ics. The lat­est drip pots by the Lon­don-based Kin­s­ka use her sig­na­ture min­i­mal­ist palette and tiny faces that are over­run by drib­bles of black and white glaze. But rather than look­ing messy and hap­haz­ard, it adds visu­al ten­sion to the oth­er­wise sweet, tran­quil faces—like these pot peo­ple are slow­ly melt­ing from within.

Kin­s­ka sells her drip-inspired wares in her Etsy shop. Get them before they sell out!

Drip pots by Kinska add a melting-like effect to her signature ceramics. They’re now available on Etsy.

Drip pots by Kinska

Drip pots by Kinska

Drip pots by Kinska

Drip planter by Kinska

Drip planter by Kinska

Drip planter by Kinska

Drip planter by Kinska

Drip planter by Kinska

Drip planter by Kinska

Drip planter by Kinska

Drip planter by Kinska

Drip planter by Kinska