
Kim Tucker’s Ceramics Play to the Surreal and Symbolic (NSFW-ish)

Kim TuckerKim Tuck­er’s ceram­ics are craft­ed with an air of whim­sy,  yet feel very Freudi­an and loaded with phal­lic sym­bols and latent con­tent. You see the face of a fig­ure smil­ing, inno­cent even, but then on the oth­er, you quick­ly notice the obses­sion with iden­ti­ty and body parts; Eyes on butts, eyes on gen­i­talia, and oth­er metaphors are all apart of Kim’s work.

I like how Stacey Dacheux wrote about her pieces on Beautiful/Decay:

…the entire menagerie evokes not only Tucker’s inner chil­dren, but also our own, as they engage in “psy­cho­log­i­cal sto­ry­telling”– nar­rat­ing open wounds we are inclined to pro­tect, lick, moth­er, or share: a deep com­mis­er­a­tion over the tragedy of bod­i­ly confinement.

All images via Kim’s web­site. H/T Sara­jo Friden’s Pin­ter­est!

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