Animation / Illustration

Sound and Color: Splendorous Illustrations by Kim Salt

Kim Salt

For the past week, I’ve been entranced by the above illus­tra­tion by Kim Salt. It’s beau­ti­ful in its thriv­ing veg­e­ta­tion while being an allur­ing depic­tion of space. Splen­dor is a com­mon com­po­nent to many of Kim’s works, com­mon­ly seen in over­sized plants that wel­come her char­ac­ters and keep them company.

Kim sells a selec­tion of her work on Etsy.

Kim Salt

Kim Salt

Kim Salt


Kim also cre­ates ani­mat­ed GIFs! She describes it as, “A per­son­al project inspired by the Alaba­ma Shakes album, Sound and Col­or.”

Kim Salt

Kim Salt

Kim Salt

Kim Salt

Kim Salt