
Kayla Mattes Weaves & Memorializes AIM Chats

Kayla Mattes - TextilesKay­la Mattes weaves. In small pro­por­tions, she crafts pieces that are col­or­ful and very touch­able. They are non rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al, and play with the push and pull of flat and tac­til­i­ty. I view these pieces as small ecosys­tems. The long pieces of yarn seem to be col­o­niz­ing the sur­face design and impos­ing their col­or and tex­ture. There’s a lot of visu­al ten­sion to this weav­ing, and I real­ly like it.

All images via her web­site. (PS — Kay­la sub­mit­ted her work via my Tum­blr. You can too!)

Kayla Mattes - Textiles Kayla Mattes - Textiles Kayla Mattes - TextilesKayla Mattes - Textiles Kayla Mattes - Textiles Kayla Mattes - Textiles


Kay­la, with her tex­tile knowl­edge, is also inter­est­ed in the par­al­lels between pix­els and knit. She wove a piece memo­ri­al­iz­ing AIM chats (remem­ber those??), which pro­vides some seri­ous nos­tal­gia for me, as I was an avid AIM user for near­ly 10 years. It was a big part of my life!

Kayla Mattes - Textiles Kayla Mattes - Textiles