
Intricate Appliqué Embroideries Raise Awareness of Endangered and Extinct Species

Applique animal embroidery by Katie Tume

There’s some­thing miss­ing from Katie Tume’s fiber art. Work­ing under the name Moth­er Eagle, her intri­cate land­scape embroi­deries and appliqued pieces high­light stun­ning details includ­ing three-dimen­sion­al leaves and lay­ered bead­ing. But in every piece, a small crea­ture is removed from the environment.

The organ­is­m’s absence is a sil­hou­ette that appears per­fect­ly extract­ed from the rest of Katie’s hand­i­work; the van­ished crea­tures are endan­gered and extinct species. “I have a strong dri­ving impulse to tell sto­ries of the ani­mals and species we are los­ing and have lost,” she tells Sarah K. Ben­ning in an inter­view. “I’m very inter­est­ed in human­i­ty’s rela­tion­ship with nature both now and in the past, and also how we mark loss, grieve and rit­u­al­ize death. It’s com­bin­ing these ideas that I’m explor­ing in my work, and it’s proved such a rich vein of inspi­ra­tion I can’t see an end to at the moment.”

Katie sells her work as kits and prints in her online shop. Fol­low her on Insta­gram to see her ani­mal embroi­dery in progress.

Applique animal embroidery by Katie Tume

Applique embroidery by Katie Tume

Hand embroidery and beading by Katie Tume

Hand embroidery and beading by Katie Tume

Hand embroidery and beading by Katie Tume

Applique embroidery by Katie Tume

Applique embroidery by Katie Tume

Applique embroidery by Katie Tume

Applique embroidery by Katie Tume

Applique embroidery by Katie Tume

Applique embroidery by Katie Tume

Applique embroidery by Katie Tume