
Contemporary Picture Book Illustrations with a Mid-Century Modern Twist

Picture book illustration by Julie Morstad

Many moons ago, I dis­cov­ered the work of Julie Morstad on one of my all-time favorite albums, Fox Con­fes­sor Brings the Flood by Neko Case. The cov­er art is del­i­cate and sub­tly macabre, which com­ple­ments the sounds of the album.

Over ten years lat­er, Julie is still cre­at­ing illustration—including many pic­ture books. Her illus­tra­tions aren’t near­ly as eerie, but they do com­mu­ni­cate a sense of placid­i­ty that has spanned time. The land­scape illus­tra­tions fea­ture a fig­ure (or three) as they appear lost in qui­et thought and enjoy­ing their alone time. Cou­pled with a flat­tened draw­ing style, I can’t help but be remind­ed of the Mid-cen­tu­ry mod­ern work of Mary Blair.

Julie sells prints of her work through her online shop.

Picture book illustration by Julie Morstad

Picture book illustration by Julie Morstad

Illustration by Julie Morstad

Illustration by Julie Morstad

Illustration by Julie Morstad

Illustration by Julie Morstad

Illustration by Julie Morstad

Illustration by Julie Morstad

Illustration by Julie Morstad

Picture book illustration by Julie Morstad

Picture book illustration by Julie Morstad

Picture book illustration by Julie Morstad