
Julianna Brion


I’ve fea­tured the work of Julian­na Brion on Brown Paper Bag before, and men­tioned her last week because she’s apart of my newest exhi­bi­tion for my online illus­tra­tion gallery, eyra. Julian­na is includ­ed in the exhi­bi­tion Don’t Call Me Hon­ney, a show about the city of Baltimore.

Julian­na is local to me, a trans­plant to Bal­ti­more by way of Con­necti­cut. It’s inter­est­ing to see her take on the city, in a series that she’s titled Bal­ti­more Hodge­podge 1–4. A mish­mash it is! She cap­tures the banal­i­ty of row homes, high­light­ing them with bright accents. Roof decks were new to me when I first moved to Bal­ti­more, so I enjoy that she makes ref­er­ence to that. 

You can own the orig­i­nals of this work and prints as well! Take a peek in the eyra shop.


