
The World of Finance is More Engaging Thanks to Julia Rothman’s Illustrated Reporting

Julia Rothman and Shaina Feinberg

Last fall, illus­tra­tor Julia Roth­man and writer Shaina Fein­berg launched an illus­trat­ed col­umn in The New York Times called Scratch. Pub­lished in the Sun­day Busi­ness sec­tion every oth­er week (and appear­ing online the Fri­day before), the series focus­es on finance as told through human inter­est sto­ries. The illus­tra­tive report­ing fea­tures Juli­a’s paint­ings with hand­writ­ten text—often told in the first person–that reveals the cost of doing things like open­ing a cof­fee shop, being a drag queen in New York City, and hav­ing a baby through IVF. Her style gives this series warmth to dol­lars and cents that can some­times feel so cold; I find the series fas­ci­nat­ing and enjoy read­ing it every time it’s published.

Fol­low Julia on Insta­gram to see snap­shots of Scratch, and see the past columns here.

Here’s a snippet from one of the latest Scratch columns, “What They Paid to Make a Baby (or 2)”:

Illustrated reporting by Julia Rothman Illustrated reporting by Julia Rothman Illustrated reporting by Julia Rothman Illustrated reporting by Julia Rothman Illustrated reporting by Julia Rothman Visual journalism illustrated by Julia Rothman Visual journalism illustrated by Julia Rothman Visual journalism illustrated by Julia Rothman

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