
Josh Stephens tattoos



It’s been a few years now since I got my last tat­too, and am always itch­ing to get more work done. I nev­er thought I’d be per­son with tat­toos and pierc­ings (I did­n’t even have my ears pierced in high school), but here we are. Done well, tat­toos are real­ly beau­ti­ful and mes­mer­iz­ing to me, espe­cial­ly when you con­sid­er that your can­vas is skin.

I found the tat­toos of Josh Stephens some­where out on the inter­webs, prob­a­bly Pin­ter­est. I was real­ly attract­ed to his imagery and col­or. His tat­toos are a bit of an old school, Sailor Jer­ry-esque style.  Nor­mal­ly I’m not into this style, but with the sim­plic­i­ty and styl­iza­tion of his draw­ings, they feel very contemporary.

Now, I’m con­tem­plat­ing a road trip to his shop and a vis­it to Need Sup­ply

All images via his Tum­blr. You will also like this Tum­blr if you are a fan of the Simp­sons or Tim and Eric Awe­some Show, Great Job!




