
Artist Embroiders on the Ubiquitous Plastic Bag to Transform It into an Abstract Work of Art

Plastic bag art by Josh Blackwell

Artist Josh Black­well recon­sti­tutes the plas­tic bag—a sym­bol of the affront to fight­ing cli­mate change—into a work of art. Using his train­ing as a painter, he embell­ish­es the sin­gle-use plas­tic with embroi­dery stitch­es, bead­ing, weav­ing, and paint­ing. The bags are now shells of their for­mer selves. Inspired by his­tor­i­cal sources rang­ing from the Ital­ian futur­ists to out­sider art from the Amer­i­can South, these flat­tened pieces are abstract art­works that hap­pen to be plas­tic bags. They are much more pre­cious than their orig­i­nal intend­ed use.

Embroidery art on plastic bag by Josh Blackwell

Embroidery art on plastic bag by Josh Blackwell

Embroidery art on plastic bag by Josh Blackwell

Plastic bag art by Josh Blackwell

Mixed media art on a plastic bag by Josh Blackwell

Mixed media art on a plastic bag by Josh Blackwell

Mixed media art on a plastic bag by Josh Blackwell

Plastic bag art by Josh Blackwell

Plastic bag art by Josh Blackwell

Plastic bag art by Josh Blackwell

Hand embroidery on a plastic bag by Josh Blackwell

Hand embroidery on a plastic bag by Josh Blackwell

Plastic bag art by Josh Blackwell