Artist / Painting

Jordan Kasey


If you live in Bal­ti­more, you’ve no doubt seen the paint­ings of Jor­dan Kasey. Her large paint­ings on can­vas com­mand your atten­tion and their con­tent keeps you looking. 

The last few years of Jor­dan’s work seems to explore a land that’s full of light. That, to me, is the most strik­ing thing about her paint­ings. Blue skies always present. Even when it’s dark, the implied light near­ly sil­hou­ettes the fig­ures. I like look­ing at these work and think­ing that the idyl­lic set­tings are set­ting the view­er (and fol­low­er of Jor­dan’s work!) for some sort slow demise of this place and people. 

All images via her web­site. Be sure to check out all of her work! 





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