Illustrated products

Illustrated Plates of Cheese-Obsessed Otters Will Make You Say, “Same”

Animal plates

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One of the best things in our kitchen are these plates that pro­claim what­ev­er you’re about to eat is a “Big Mis­take.” They are cheeky and delight­ful, and I’d rec­om­mend you have at least a cou­ple piece of dish­ware that’ll make you smile. You don’t need to look any fur­ther than James Ward, aka Jim­bob Art. For many years, he’s been cre­at­ing hilar­i­ous illus­tra­tions of hun­gry ani­mals on ceram­ic plates, and they’re com­plete with wit­ty commentary.

One of my favorites is a super­hero bear that pro­claims itself as a “Cake Defend­er.” Hon­est­ly, same. Any slice of cake on my plate is not safe (from being devoured by me).

Fill your cup­boards with James’ illus­trat­ed plates and cups when you vis­it his Etsy shop.

Illustrated plate by James Ward aka Jimbob

Funny illustrated plates

Illustrated plate by James Ward aka Jimbob

Funny illustrated plates

Animal plates

Illustrated plate by James Ward aka Jimbob

Animal plates

Animal plates

Funny illustrated plates

Animal plates

Animal plates

Illustrated plate by James Ward aka Jimbob

Illustrated plate by James Ward aka Jimbob


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