
Jessica Harrison’s Tattooed Porcelain Ladies

jessica harrison

I’m sure that by now you’ve seen Jes­si­ca Har­rison’s tat­tooed porce­lain fig­urines, because why not? They’re awe­some and because of it, have made their way around the blogs. As some­one who grew up see­ing these type of antique objects and has sev­er­al tat­toos her­self, I feel like these works are def­i­nite­ly in my wheel­house. So, despite all the visu­al sat­u­ra­tion you’ve prob­a­bly have from them, I want to share the on Brown Paper Bag, too!

I love the jux­ta­po­si­tion between what’s tra­di­tion­al­ly “dain­ty” (pet­ti­coats and dress­es) with what’s seen as “hard” or “alter­na­tive,” although now tat­toos have entered the main­stream. Who’s not to say that the tat­toos Har­ri­son has depict­ed here reflect a more fem­i­nine sen­si­bil­i­ty (with­in the realm of tat­toos). It’s a con­tem­po­rary rein­ter­pre­ta­tion of these anti­quat­ed objects.

(H/T Colos­sal)

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