Illustrated products / Illustration

Embrace Beginnings: A New Print by Jen Collins for Worker Bee Supply Co.

Worker Bee Supply Co.

New begin­nings hap­pen every­day. Some­times, they’re momen­tous occa­sions, like start­ing your dream job or mov­ing to a new city for a fresh start. But often, they’re much less grand. What­ev­er your begin­ning may be, it’s impor­tant to face it, accept it, and enjoy the process of start­ing anew.

Illus­tra­tor Jen Collins reminds us to embrace this atti­tude with her new bold and col­or­ful print. Cre­at­ed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Work­er Bee Sup­ply Co., this two-col­or silk screen is hand print­ed on 11″ x 14″ nat­ur­al col­ored card stock paper. It’s inspired by her will­ing­ness to wel­come beginnings—specifically, her move from Scot­land to Cana­da, and the new oppor­tu­ni­ties that came from it. Here’s Jen talk­ing about it:

Embrace Begin­nings is now avail­able for pur­chase through the Work­er Bee shop! And for Brown Paper Bag read­ers, the com­pa­ny is offer­ing a pro­mo code to get $5 (CAD) off your first order. Just use BROWNPAPERBAG at the check­out. Free ship­ping to Cana­da and the USA!

In addi­tion to Jen’s work, Work­er Bee Sup­ply Co. has many oth­er pieces avail­able to pur­chase.  They make inspi­ra­tional prints that don’t suck and are designed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with inde­pen­dent cre­ators. Artists get a cut of every print sale—it’s Work­er Bee’s goal to cre­ate mean­ing­ful pas­sive income for inde­pen­dent artists.

Worker Bee Supply Co.





