
Jared Andrew Schorr



I fea­tured the work of Jared Andrew Schorr many years ago, when I first start­ed this blog. I’ve been fol­low­ing him on Twit­ter and keep­ing up with his work ever since. Jared works with cut paper, using a lot of flat col­ors and a lit­tle bit of tex­ture.  The empha­sis is on shape design and shad­ow.  Because he lay­ers his papers, won­der­ful drop shad­ows appear behind the dif­fer­ent ele­ments of his work giv­ing it a slight sculp­tur­al effect.

Jared’s work is very smi­ley, and recent­ly he’s tak­en on clients in the edu­ca­tion­al sphere. He’s also illus­trat­ed a lot of car­toon char­ac­ters, includ­ing Adven­ture Time, one of my favorites!

All images via his blog.



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