Embroidery / Illustration / Thread Painting

Colorful Nature Embroideries Burst From Meticulous Backgrounds Drawn With a Pen

Embroidery and Drawing by Jack Buckley

Com­bin­ing illus­tra­tion and embroi­dery, artist Jack Buck­ley draws and stitch­es por­traits of birds and flow­ers sur­round­ed by lush nature. My favorite pieces fea­ture col­or­ful embroi­dery that seems to burst from the black pen drawing—as if it’s com­ing to life before our very eyes.

Based in Aus­tralia, Jack looks to the Roy­al Botan­ic Gar­den Syd­ney as inspi­ra­tion for the flo­ra that appears in the work. The detailed sketch­es, com­plete with tiny lines on petals and fun­gi, are at home with equal­ly as metic­u­lous stitch­es; each inky hatch mark equals many more pass-throughs of thread.

Be sure to fol­low Jack on Insta­gram to see what the artist is up to next.

Artist Jack Buckley combines illustrated backgrounds with embroidered birds and flora.

Embroidery and Drawing by Jack Buckley

Embroidery and Drawing by Jack Buckley

The colorful embroidery seems to burst from the black pen drawing—as if it’s coming to life before our very eyes.

Embroidery and Drawing by Jack Buckley

Embroidery and Drawing by Jack Buckley

Embroidery and Drawing by Jack Buckley

Based in Australia, Jack looks to the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney as inspiration for the flora that appears in the work.

Embroidery and Drawing by Jack Buckley

Embroidery and Drawing by Jack Buckley

Embroidery and Drawing by Jack Buckley

Embroidery and Drawing by Jack Buckley

The detailed sketches, complete with tiny lines on petals and fungi, are at home with equally as meticulous stitches.

Embroidery and Drawing by Jack Buckley

Embroidery and Drawing by Jack Buckley

Embroidery and Drawing by Jack Buckley

Embroidery and Drawing by Jack Buckley