
Iyo Okumi Stitches Embroideries That Look Like Pen Drawings

Embroidery illustration by Iyo Okiyuma

Embroi­dery artist and illus­tra­tor Iyo Oku­mi cre­ates stitched com­po­si­tions that look like pen draw­ings. Each line could be the hatch mark of a draw­ing uten­sil until you look clos­er: they’re actu­al­ly fuzzy strands of thread. The effect is achieved by spac­ing the thread so that you can see the fab­ric beneath it.

Why does this work feel so much like draw­ing? I’ve con­clud­ed that because many embroi­dery stitch­es are designed to sit right next to one anoth­er (such as the satin stitch), see­ing inten­tion­al space between them feels unex­pect­ed. The first asso­ci­a­tion we make, instead, is to draw­ing. This isn’t sur­pris­ing con­sid­er­ing Iyo works in mul­ti­ple medi­ums. In addi­tion to embroi­dery, they also cre­ate pieces in col­ored pen­cil. In these works, it’s evi­dent that the mark-mak­ing and sketch­ing qual­i­ty informs the stitch­ing. Both are lovely!

See what Iyo’s work­ing on next when you fol­low them on Insta­gram.

Embroidery artist and illustrator Iyo Okumi creates stitched compositions that look like pen drawings.

Embroidery illustration by Iyo Okiyuma

Embroidery illustration by Iyo Okiyuma

Embroidery illustration by Iyo Okiyuma

Embroidery illustration by Iyo Okiyuma

Embroidery illustration by Iyo Okiyuma

Embroidery illustration by Iyo Okiyuma

Embroidery illustration by Iyo Okiyuma

Embroidery illustration by Iyo Okiyuma