
Inspirational Instagram: Esmé Shapiro Shares Her Delightfully Wonky Paintings

Esmé Shapiro

Esmé Shapiro (@esmeshapiro) is an illus­tra­tor I’ve kept my eye on since dis­cov­er­ing her work in 2014. I love fol­low­ing her Insta­gram, which is a mix­ture of illus­tra­tive exper­i­ments, works in progress, and fin­ished pieces. She also, occa­sion­al­ly, posts snap­shots of her life that mim­ic the types of pic­tures she makes—it’s no sur­prise where her aes­thet­ic comes from!

Fol­low Esmé’s feed as she works on her first book OOKO that’ll be released this sum­mer from Tun­dra Books.

Esmé Shapiro

Esmé Shapiro

Esmé Shapiro2

Esmé Shapiro

Esmé Shapiro

Esmé Shapiro

Esmé Shapiro

Esmé Shapiro

Esmé Shapiro

Esmé Shapiro

Esmé Shapiro
