Artist / BPB Projects / Illustration

I’ve Curated an Exhibition in Los Angeles, and It Opens This Week!


Tomor­row, I’m trav­el­ing from Bal­ti­more to Los Ange­les for an excit­ing reason—I’ve curat­ed a show at the Flower Pep­per Gallery in Pasade­na! It’s called Inside / Out­side fea­tures works that explore indoor and out­door spaces. I’ve lined up fan­tas­tic artists and illus­tra­tors, so I’m look­ing for­ward to see­ing it all come together.

The open­ing is this Sat­ur­day, August 13, from 6:30PM to 9:30PM at Flower Pep­per Gallery on Union Street. If you’re local, please stop by! I’d love to meet you and say hello.


Here’s a sneak peek—a few more pieces that’ll appear in the show!

Anna Valdez, Plants on Black Wool Embroidered Bed Cover

Anna Valdez, Plants on Black Wool Embroi­dered Bed Cover

Betsy Walton, Resting Garden Two

Bet­sy Wal­ton, Rest­ing Gar­den Two

Sarah Burwash, Dawn and Dusk

Sarah Bur­wash, Dawn and Dusk