
Are You a Freelancer? There’s a New ‘Illustrators for Hire’ Directory to Join

Illustrators for Hire Directory

As an illus­tra­tor, it can be a chal­lenge to get your name and work out there—even if you’re estab­lished in your career. Sal­li Swindell and Nate Padavick, best known for their pop­u­lar They Draw & Cook and They Draw & Trav­el projects, have cre­at­ed recent­ly Illus­tra­tors for Hire. It’s a “glob­al list of free­lance illus­tra­tors” whose mis­sion is to pro­mote and advance the careers of free­lance illus­tra­tors with their direc­to­ry. If you’re look­ing to hire an illus­tra­tor, you can scroll through cre­atives for a long time. Or, if you’re look­ing for some­thing spe­cif­ic, you can fil­ter illus­tra­tors via cat­e­gories that include ani­mals, comics, edi­to­r­i­al, kids, let­ter­ing, and more.

Inter­est­ed in join­ing Illus­tra­tors for Hire? There are sev­er­al cri­te­ria that you need to meet: a pro­fes­sion­al pres­ence (a web­site and not just social media pro­file); a con­sis­tent brand and style; exam­ples of spe­cial­iza­tion; and a track record of com­mis­sions. If this is you, learn more on their web­site and con­tact them.

Illustrators for Hire Directory