
15+ Artist Sketchbooks to Inspire Your Own Collection of Doodles and Beyond

As hard as I try, I am not one to keep a sketch­book; it’s prob­a­bly one rea­son why I love to see the spreads of oth­er artists and illus­tra­tors. These books offer a win­dow into how some­one thinks and sees the world. They can be inti­mate chron­i­cles of a trip or ways to exper­i­ment with a new tech­nique or theme.

Their infi­nite pos­si­bil­i­ties are excit­ing when you’re some­one brim­ming with ideas, and here is a smat­ter­ing of cre­ative folks doing just that. Maybe they’ll give you some sketch­book draw­ing ideas (or paint­ing or col­lag­ing) of your own!

From time to time I share the sketch­book spreads of artists and illus­tra­tors. Check out my past picks, includ­ing 10 sketch­book artists to fol­low on Insta­gram!

Looking for sketchbook drawing ideas? Here are 15+ artists and illustrators creating great spreads.

Sketchbook spread by Leah Goren

Sketchbook spread by Sarah Walsh

Sketchbook spread by Sara Boccaccini Meadows