
Does Your Room Need a Makeover? These 28 Illustration Prints Will Dress up Your Bare Walls

Illustration prints to own

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Are your walls look­ing a lit­tle bare? Prints are an easy way to add some col­or to a room and give it some per­son­al­i­ty. Plus, so many illus­tra­tors sell prints of their work online—there’s a lot to choose from. To get you start­ed on your print col­lec­tion, I’ve picked 30 prints from illus­tra­tors I love. I’m also con­tin­u­ing to update my Illus­tra­tion Prints list on Etsy, so be sure to fol­low me there, too!

Looking to add some personality to bare walls? Here are 28 illustration prints you can buy today.


Sun­flower Cat Print


French Bull­dog Print


Sono­ran Desert Print


Flo­ral Art Print


Croc Drag­on Art Print


Botan­i­cal Grey­hound Print


Rule 7 — Based on “Some Rules for Stu­dents and Teach­ers by Sis­ter” Cori­ta Kent


Every Mis­take Art Print


Pel­i­can, Moths, and Yarrow Print


Blue Ghost Print


Hip­po with Flo­ral Crown Print


Solar­i­um Print



Jun­gle Tiger Art Print


Ascend Print


Gar­den­ing Print


Les Petits Orteils Art Print


Crea­tures of the Order: Lagomorpha


Cir­cle of Life Print 


Queen of Beasts Print


Read­ing Art Print


Kit­ty No. 8 Print


Sit­tin Pret­ty Print


Green Riad” Print


Man­tis Dip­tych — Two Prints 

Mantis art by Lisa Perrin


Spring Art Print


Bego­nia Plant in Dec­o­ra­tive Pot Print


This­tle Print


Folk Wolves Print