
Illustrations Imagine Many Famous Contemporary Female Artists in Their Studios

Illustration of Hilma af Klint

Hilma af Klint

Illus­tra­tor Juliana Vido has cre­at­ed por­traits of women artists—some liv­ing, many passed—in their stu­dios. The images are a fusion of Juliana’s del­i­cate, inky style and the famous cre­ative whom she is depict­ing. For abstract expres­sion­ist Lee Kras­ner, that means expres­sive paint­ing strokes among fine line work. Sim­i­lar­ly, Juliana illus­trat­ed abstract artist Helen Franken­thaler and her soak-stain paint­ings punc­tu­at­ed with the intri­ca­cies of the leg­endary figure.

In addi­tion to being visu­al­ly excit­ing images, these pieces are mini art his­to­ry lessons that may intro­duce you to incred­i­ble cre­atives you nev­er knew about it. I hope she con­tin­ues the series!

Be sure to fol­low Juliana on Insta­gram to see what she’s cre­at­ing next.

Illustration of Marta Minujín

Mar­ta Minujín

Illustration of Carmen Herrera

Car­men Herrera

Illustration of Lee Krasner by Juliana Vido

Lee Kras­ner

Illustration of Sonia Delaunay

Sonia Delau­nay

Illustration of Yayoi Kusama

Yay­oi Kusama

Illustration of Helen Frankenthaler

Helen Franken­thaler