Illustrated Collections

10 Illustrations of Vases and Vessels Celebrating Cut Flowers and Big Cats

I’ve always been fas­ci­nat­ed by objects and how dif­fer­ent peo­ple envi­sion them. Vas­es and ves­sels, for instance, can tell us a lot about the person/culture mak­ing them. The Athen­ian ceram­ic pot­tery told tales as part of their dec­o­ra­tion; paint­ed on a vase would be a nar­ra­tive that wraps around the exterior.

In that spir­it, I’ve found 10 illus­tra­tions that cel­e­brate vas­es and oth­er ves­sels. Some are adorned with ani­mals and pat­terns while oth­ers are more sim­ple with a focus on plants. Regard­less of the approach, we cre­ate our own sto­ries of who are the peo­ple that use them.

Illustration of vases

Illustration of vases

Illustration of vases

Illustration of vases