Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions


1. The Bee by Barış Özyurt
2. Le Loup, a hab­er­dash­ery mul­ti tool by Dominic Coballe (a Kickstarter!)
3. Milk Jug Vase by Dana Bechert
4. Porce­lain Pedestal Dog Stand by Eleonor Boström
5. Flo­ral Fox Trans­par­ent iPhone Case by Papio Press
6. Con­ver­sa­tion Crew Socks by Tin­toret­ta for Anthropologie
7. Moth Riso­graph Sta­tion­ary Set by Tal­lu­lah Fontaine

This week’s illus­trat­ed prod­uct obses­sions inad­ver­tent­ly fea­tures ani­mals. What can I say? I love crea­ture-themed objects.

To all my US read­ers cel­e­brat­ing Thanks­giv­ing, I hope you had a hap­py one! I’m out west, hang­ing out in the red rocks of south­ern Utah—a far cry from the East­ern seaboard.

Look­ing for a fun week­end project? Sign up for my Skill­share class: Paper Art: Cre­ate a Cut Paper Self-Por­trait. This short video series goes over tech­niques for cre­at­ing a one-of-a-kind por­trait that you can use for your social media pro­files (like I’ve done!).