Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions


1. Prowl­ing Tiger Water­col­or Cush­ion by Togeth­er­ness Design
2. Palm­istry Neck­lace by Black Hole
3. For­est Ani­mals Wrap­ping Paper by Clap Clap (She also has beau­ti­ful jour­nals in her shop!)
4. Ceram­ic Nude by Kaye Blegvad
5. In Strich­nin No.4 by LAPHILIE
6. Pret­zel Ear­rings by Bak­er & Bai­ley (sold at Hunt­ing For George)
7. Hand-Paint­ed Hiero Wal­let by Beech Hall

In oth­er illus­trat­ed prod­uct news… Doo­dlers Anony­mous released a col­or­ing book!


Doo­dlers Anony­mous, one of my favorite illus­tra­tion blogs,  has just released the Epic Col­or­ing Book.  It’s an “eclec­tic mashup of pure hand-drawn good­ness,” fea­tur­ing the work of 90 artists from around the globe. The pages rep­re­sent many dif­fer­ent artis­tic styles with a bevy of sub­jects for you to col­or, includ­ing: a mag­i­cal library; a lotus plant; intri­cate dream cities; cars; crea­tures; and car­toons. It’s per­fect for dis­tress­ing after a long work day. Buy it here.


