Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions


1. Pret­zel Shape Cush­ion by Whim­sy Milieu
2. Rain Drop Pen Cad­dy by Oh Dier
3. Slip Cast Porce­lain Cloudy Big Bud Vase by Bean and Bailey
4. Menagerie Oven Mitt by Don­na Wilson
5. Ferns Linen Pouch by Amelie Mancini
6. Col­ored Con­crete Planter by Fox and Ramona
7. Taco-Shaped Clutch by Char­lotte Olympia

I’ve been bak­ing a lot late­ly, so that Don­na Wil­son oven mitt is so on point… how fun!

Hap­py weekend!