Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions

1. Hang­ing planters by Shay­na Steven­son and Jen Collins of Keep Company
2. Mon­stera Leaf Bag by La Lisette
3. Cater­pil­lar Back­pack by Mödernaked
4. Donut Cat by Marnin Saylor
5. Otto Grey Cush­ion by Arro Home (I have one of these and love it!)
6. Minia­ture Cac­tus by Vish­nevsky’s Socks
7. White Tiger Hang­ing Orna­ment by Charm­ing Creatures

Hap­py Fri­day! I’ll leave you with this for the week­end: Arro Home is cur­rent­ly hav­ing a 50% off sale. Go get your­self a nice new cush­ion or tea tow­el. You deserve it!