Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions

Illustrated Product Obsessions

1. Brass Bee­tle Col­lar Brooches by Tick Tack Tick
2. Dain­ty Daisy Piz­za Pin by Jor­dan Sondler for Val­ley Cruise Press
3. Zadie Hand Book­ends by Kate Spade New York
4. Cat Skele­ton Neck­lace by J. Topolski
5. Cac­tus and Mar­ti­ni Hang­ing Mir­rors by McK­ean Studio
6. Japan­ese Choku Botan Karakusa by Ready­made Objects Shop
7. Scare Bear Print­ed Clutch by Jade Clark and Alli­son Bamcat

One of the biggest sto­ries this week—in illus­tra­tion news—was that cloth­ing brand ZARA stole Tues­day Bassen’s designs. When she and her lawyer approached them, the com­pa­ny’s response was that she’s not famous enough to mat­ter. The sto­ry went viral and Tues­day has received a ton of sup­port, gar­ner­ing the atten­tion of Buz­zfeed, Fast Com­pa­ny, and The Huff­in­g­ton Post. ZARA even­tu­al­ly com­ment­ed on the mat­ter and sus­pend­ed the stolen designs from sale.

Tues­day is still fight­ing this bat­tle, but one of the best things to come out of it—aside from the mas­sive atten­tion and her new, aggres­sive lawyer—is that Adam J. Kurtz set up a shop to sup­port the artists whose work has been stolen by these type of big com­pa­nies. Buy the true designs and see for your­self just how shame­less the unau­tho­rized repro­duc­tions are.