Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions


1. Sea BREAM—purse or key­chain by Don Fisher
2. Alive Iron-On Patch by Alli­son Weiss for Stay Home Club
3. Ceram­ic Ring Hold­er by Qui­et Clemen­tine for Baba Souk
4. Water­col­or cac­tus wall mur­al by anewall
5. Smi­ley Mug made for Home of the Brave
6. Blue Plate with Straw­ber­ries by The Music Room (Valerie Trucchia)
7. Lady Incense Hold­ers by Kaye Bleg­vad for Lenny

Hap­py Fri­day! I hope you have some­thing fun planned this week­end! And if you don’t…that okay, too.

Here’s a sug­ges­tion for reading/audiobooking: Every­thing I Nev­er Told You by Celeste Ng. It’s a total­ly enthralling (fic­tion­al) sto­ry about a Chi­nese-Amer­i­can fam­i­ly who deals with their daugh­ter’s sud­den death. The tale takes place in a small Ohio town dur­ing the 1970s, and it’s beau­ti­ful­ly written.