Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions

Illustrated product obsessions, December 23

1. Cac­tus Can­dles by Ornerx
2. Alpaca Brooches by Tiny Supply
3. Palm­istry Hand Neck­lace by Banquet
4. Spike Planter by Lit­tle Bear Pots
5. Illus­trat­ed Serv­ing Tray by Depeapa
6. White Deer Hold­er and Blue Antler Can­dle by The Jacks
7. Black Illu­mi­nat­ed Print by Saman­tha Pleet

Hap­py hol­i­days, ya’ll! I don’t have a tree (nor a dog), but I love these canine orna­ments by Juli­et Clarke.

Juliet Clark dog ornaments

Juliet Clark dog ornaments