Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions


1. Minia­ture Ceram­ic Vas­es by Pol­ly Fern (via Artis­tic Moods)
2. Stuffed Bad­ger Toy by Wood­land Toy
3. Hand­made EL-AICH Plant­pot Planter Ball Pot by EL-AICH
4. Gar­den­ing Skirt by Dinara Mirtalipova
5. Urban Green­ery Enam­el Pin by Han­nah S. Bottino
6. Jun­gle Green­house Neck­lace by Kate Rowland
7. Hik­ing Guide Rings by Min Pin

Hap­py Fri­day! I hope you have some­thing fun planned this week­end. I’m head­ed to DC to catch the WONDER exhi­bi­tion at the Ren­wick Gallery… pret­ty excit­ed to see a room wall­pa­pered in 5,000 bugs!

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