Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions


1. Cro­cheted Cac­ti by Lit­tle Prick Shop
2. The Ruby Bear Clutch by Sylvia Soo
3. Only Dog Can Judge Me Patch by Kodi­ak Milly
4. Ring Hold­er (Six Fin­ger Hand) by Wool Sculpture
5. Adopt a Cat Enam­el Pin by kookoobird (20% of sales will be donat­ed to SPCA!)
6. Flower Flask Enam­el Pin by Jas­mine Prasad
7. Ringed Fox Door­mat by Anthroplogie

I’m real­ly excit­ed about all the fan­tas­tic enam­el pins that are being sold right now. It’s final­ly pin sea­son again—I’ve bust­ed out my den­im jack­et and want to fill it with even more of these fun illus­tra­tive items. (Need some sug­ges­tions? Check out list of 50 enam­el pins.)