Lately & Liked

My Illustrated Product Obsessions of This Week


I’m try­ing a new seg­ment on Brown Paper Bag where I list the illus­trat­ed prod­ucts I’ve lust­ed over the past week.  I always try to buy things that have illus­tra­tion on them (or an illus­tra­tive qual­i­ty to them) because I find that it makes me hap­pi­er. And, we have choic­es when we pur­chase things, so why the heck not?

Above: Straw­ber­ry bowl by Jor­dan Sondler

More obses­sions:

Chif­fon scarf by Aimee Bee Brooks / Brass fly studs (ear­rings) by Dat­ter Indus­tries / Empa­thy Cards by Emi­ly McDow­ell (I also wrote about these on My Mod­ern Met) / Wood­en Sriracha sauce bot­tle by Her­man Marie / Plan­ty Tea Tow­el by Leah Dun­can / Small Octo­pus plush toy by BigStuffed / Heav­en­ly Hon­ey­comb blan­ket by Anna Back­lund / Poly­mer clay arc­tic fox by Vic­to­ria Lucy

What have you been obsess­ing over this week? Sub­mit a link via this form and I might fea­ture it on this post next Friday!