Illustrated products

Always Have the Perfect Card with These Gorgeous Illustrated Card Boxes

Illustrated cards

I’m not much for life­hacks, but one of my own is to always have sta­tionery handy—birthday cards, blank cards, post­cards… all of it. That way, if you sud­den­ly need an illus­trat­ed card at a momen­t’s notice, you’re pre­pared. It’s also great, espe­cial­ly, if you order gifts online and for­get to include a card in your order (as I often do).

The Birth­day Box and Flower Box each offer sets of cards that are ~ide­al~ for this life­hack. They have 20 birth­day cards and 100 post­cards, respec­tive­ly, that are cre­at­ed by dif­fer­ent con­tem­po­rary illus­tra­tors. The gor­geous imagery, cou­pled with the luxe pack­ag­ing, makes these box­es feel bespoke. They’re per­fect for giv­ing that extra spe­cial touch in a gift. Or in the case of the Flower Box, you could frame a selec­tion of these post­cards like you would a print. (Anoth­er gift idea!)

The Birth­day Box has the work of Bai­ley Rivera Anti­quar­ia, Danielle Kroll, Day­dream Prints, Paula & Waf­fle, and Yep­pie Paper. The Flower Box fea­tures 10 illus­tra­tors: Sonia Cav­alli­ni, Nour Flay­han, Car­olyn Gavin, Jen Hewett, Sam Kal­da, Marc Mar­tin, Angela McK­ay of Ohkii Stu­dio, Clover Robin, Wies van der Velde of SowiesoWies, and Rose Wong.

Both the Birth­day Box and Flower Box are now avail­able from Prince­ton Archi­tec­tur­al Press.

Illustrated postacards

Illustrated postcard

Illustrated cards

Illustrated birthday cards

Illustrated birthday cards

Illustrated card

Illustrated cards

Illustrated cards

Illustrated birthday cards

Illustrated birthday cards