
Illustration “Doctor” Doodles a Cure for Those All-Too-Serious Fashion Photos

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus

Ilias Walchshofer, aka Dr. Propo­lus, is an illus­tra­tor who trans­forms seri­ous fash­ion pho­tos with his light­heart­ed vec­tor doo­dles. The eye-catch­ing, intri­cate linework adds anoth­er dimen­sion to these images, and they pro­vide the sub­jects with styl­ish ensem­bles and acces­sories, as well as faith­ful ani­mal companions.

Fash­ion can be fun, but you would­n’t know it by look­ing at your stan­dard style mag­a­zine; Dr. Propo­lus’ illus­tra­tions are a fix for the ailment—a wel­come jux­ta­po­si­tion to the mood­i­ness and pierc­ing looks pre­sent­ed on their pages.

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus

Drawings on top of photos by Dr. Propolus

Drawings on top of photos by Dr. Propolus

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus

Vector doodles on fashion photos by Dr. Propolus