
Dense Floral Embroidery on Tulle Turns Clothing into Wearable Bouquets

Hand embroidery by Ignancia Jullian

The more I see embroi­dery on tulle, the more I want to give it a try. I love the illu­sion that it cre­ates; your stitched cre­ations look as though they are float­ing on air. Artist Igna­cia Jul­lian stitch­es col­or­ful blooms on the translu­cent fab­ric, which are often then applied to cloth­ing. The result trans­forms ordi­nary gar­ments into wear­able bou­quets.

Igna­cia hosts hand embroi­dery work­shops that have taught more than 600 women a year how to stitch in her style, which she calls “paint­ing with wool.” To learn more about her class­es, fol­low @borda.

Flower embroidery on tulle by Ignancia Jullian

Hand embroidery by Ignancia Jullian

Hand embroidery by Ignancia Jullian

Flower embroidery on tulle by Ignancia Jullian

Hand embroidery by Ignancia Jullian

Flower embroidery on tulle by Ignancia Jullian

Hand embroidery by Ignancia Jullian

Hand embroidery by Ignancia Jullian

Hand embroidery by Ignancia Jullian

Hand embroidery by Ignancia Jullian

Hand embroidery by Ignancia Jullian

Hand embroidery by Ignancia Jullian